White Lousiana State Trooper Found Not Guilty of Violating Civil Rights of Black Man after Hitting Him 18 Times with Flashlight
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White Lousiana State Trooper Found Not Guilty of Violating Civil Rights of Black Man after Hitting Him 18 Times with Flashlight

Sep 16, 2023

By The Vanguard

MONROE, LA – A white Lousiana state trooper was found not guilty by a jury here this week of violating the civil rights of a Black motorist although, according to Associated Press, body-camera footage showed the officer hitting the man 18 times with a flashlight.

“The case of Jacob Brown was the first to emerge from a series of FBI investigations into troopers’ beatings of Black men during traffic stops in Louisiana and underscored the challenges prosecutors face convicting law enforcement officials accused of using excessive force,” said AP.

Although the jury, after several days of deliberation, found the trooper not guilty in the 2019 beating, the attack left Aaron Bowman with a broken jaw, broken ribs and a gash to his head.

AP wrote, “Brown, 33, who defended the blows to investigators as “ pain compliance,” would have faced up to a decade in federal prison if convicted.”

Bowman’s attorney, Ron Haley, said the acquittal “shows it’s incredibly hard to prove a civil rights violation in federal court.” He added that the attack had “fundamentally changed” Bowman’s life, noting, “He was low-hanging fruit for Jacob Brown,” according to the AP story.

“The acquittal comes as federal prosecutors are still scrutinizing other Louisiana state troopers caught on body-camera video punching, stunning and dragging another Black motorist, Ronald Greene, before he died in their custody on a rural roadside. That federal probe is also examining whether police brass obstructed justice to protect the troopers who beat Greene following a high-speed chase,” wrote AP in its story this week.

Body-camera footage of both the Bowman and Greene beatings, which took place less than three weeks and 20 miles apart, remained under wraps before the AP obtained and published the videos in 2021, added AP, noting, “The cases were among a dozen highlighted in an AP investigation that revealed a pattern of troopers and their bosses ignoring or concealing evidence of beatings, deflecting blame and impeding efforts to root out misconduct.”

State police didn’t investigate the Bowman attack until 536 days after it occurred and only after Bowman sued. The probe said Brown “engaged in excessive and unjustifiable actions,” failed to report the use of force to his supervisors and “intentionally mislabeled” his body-camera video.

Brown’s use-of-force incidents, said AP, involved Black people 19 of 23 times, and he still faces state charges in the violent arrest of yet another Black motorist, a case in which he boasted in a group chat with other troopers that “it warms my heart knowing we could educate that young man.”

AP wrote Brown is the “son of Bob Brown, a longtime trooper who oversaw statewide criminal investigations and, before retiring, was the agency’s chief of staff. The elder Brown rose to the agency’s second in command despite being reprimanded years earlier for calling Black colleagues the n-word and hanging a Confederate flag in his office. “

In the wake of the AP’s reporting, the U.S. Justice Department last year opened a sweeping civil rights investigation into the state police that remains ongoing, said AP, noting Bowman was pulled over for “improper lane usage.”

”Brown came upon the scene after deputies had forcibly removed Bowman from his vehicle and taken him to the ground in the driveaway of his Monroe home. Video and police records show he beat Bowman 18 times with a flashlight in 24 seconds,” said AP.

“I’m not resisting. I’m not resisting,” Bowman can be heard screaming between blows, and U.S. Attorney Brandon Brown, not related to Jacob Brown, told AP he was proud of the 48-year-old Bowman for having the courage to tell his story, noting, “These cases are arguably the toughest that we investigate and prosecute,” he said. “We believe that this victim’s civil rights were violated.”